
The Perks of Dropping Extra Pounds

Aside from awesome compliments like, “Wow you look amazing!”, or “It’s like you are a brand new person!”, and “You’ve disappeared!” losing weight can be fun!  In fact, it’s a down-right blast.  Why?  Because of all the new things you are now able to do or can all of sudden do so much better! Here’s […]

Lower back & Leg Pain – The SI Joints struggle

You’re walking throughout the grocery store and start feeling a pain that is radiating from your lower back down your legs.  While your brain might automatically go to sciatica, it could be something very different. The Sacroiliac or SI joints are large weight-bearing joints that hold our pelvic bones together.  Unlike other joints in our […]

Train Your Brain – Neurofeedback 101

Is it possible to train your brain? Is it possible to rid yourself of unhealthy patterns and train your brain to function more efficiently? Yes.  Through Neurofeedback. What is Neurofeedback? Neurofeedback is EEG guided biofeedback.  What that means is that neurofeedback uses an EEG to first evaluate an individual’s brainwave patterns and then based on […]

The Magic of the Ketogenic Diet

When most people hear about the Ketogenic diet, they either don’t know what it is or they think it is a sham. After all, the Ketogenic diet is mostly fat. Each meal consists of 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs.  I know what you are thinking…. How healthy can it be if a majority […]

The Harmful Epidemic Sweeping our Nation

Are you frustrated because even though you are eating well and exercising a few times each week, but still find yourself exhausted and struggling to lose weight? You are not alone. Many Americans find themselves struggling in the exact same way.  It is so common place these days that it is getting to be an […]