
Winter Health Suggestions

My Favorite Winter Tip Between the cold weather making us shut-ins and all the festivities of the season, is it any wonder that many of us pack on a few pounds during the winter months? Show of hands, how many of you have noticed that as we age, taking those extra pounds off once the […]

Our Belief, Mission, Purpose…

It’s our failure to adapt It’s not stress that kills us.  Rather, it’s how we deal with stress.  It is our failure to adapt to stress that allows sickness and disease to manifest. This is Our Belief: That ALL diseases (pathology) come from a failure to adapt to any one of the three-dimensions of stress. […]

That Old Person Look…By Dr. Peter Holst

Do you spend an inordinate amount of time each day texting or working on your computer?  During these activities, our posture is held in a forward head posture repeatedly and for prolonged periods of time, and unless you are stretching backward periodically and getting a chiropractic adjustment every now and again, chances are you are […]

Chiropractic add years to your life and life to your years… proof!

It has long been determined that chiropractic is the most well-utilized alternative health care system in the world.  This no doubt due to the effectiveness of chiropractic in relieving back and neck pain, but what about those countless millions of chiropractic adjustments delivered to patients who have no pain.  These patients chose to continue their […]

Pinched Nerves are a pain in the…

Many of us have experienced the pain from a pinched nerve at one time or another.  Pinched nerve pain comes in a number of different varieties: Perhaps the most popular is often referred to as sciatica.  Named after the sciatic nerve, this rope-like pain that radiates down the back of our leg to your toes. […]

Foot Levelers Advantage

What makes customized Foot Levelers (the orthotics we recommend at MHWC) stand out from other customized orthotics? First… Foot Levelers are flexible, while most orthotics are made out of hard rigid plastic.  When we walk, the joints in our feet are supposed to move.  This movement sends information to our brain about the walking mechanism.  […]


Middletown Health, Wellness and Chiropractic is a strong proponent of Fasting. If you have been curious about the ketogenic diet or started eating one, you might want to consider adding a fasting component as your next step toward total body wellness. Fasting adds a strong one-two punch to your ketogenic diet. There are two types […]